Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Recently, the university has been spending vast amounts of its scarce resources on marketing. We have a propaganda department (sorry, I mean communications department). We have a new logo (something resembling a wheelchair).We have a slogan ('Open your mind.' Whatever that may mean). And we have a new image (meaning lots of new stationery). There has been a vigorous advertising campaign, including adverts during 'The Simpsons' and a whole host of gimmicks.

One piece of marketing is a hire car with the university's name on the side.

Look carefully!

Somehow there is just no substitute for old-fashioned learning and attention to detail!

(Credit to Jörg for spotting this.)

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Scout Parade

Today, Henry took part in the traditional spring Scout Parade. The event was more important than usual, since this year the Finnish Scout Movement is celebrating its 100th anniversary.

It was a bright, chilly day, so the scouts and guides had to wear warm clothes under their uniforms. Particularly since there was quite a bit of hanging around waiting for things to get underway.

Waiting in front of the town hall.

The Finnish uniform is blue, although some troops use brown, as can be seen on the photo. The individual troops are identified by the symbol on their neckerchiefs. The neckerchief is worn at all scout events but the uniform itself is reserved for more formal occasions.

Henry chatting with a friend from his troop.

Naturally, each troop has its own standard; in Henry's case, it is blue.

The end of the march.

Thomas was also present to watch and he took the video below of the troop saluting the stand. Can you spot Henry?

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Young Musician 2

Here, for your enjoyment, young musician Thomas playing 'Morning has Broken'.

It was his first public performance and after a bit of a false start things went fine. Hear for yourself!

Elk's Street followers may be wondering what has happened to the French horn. Well, it is fine and well. As yet, however, there are no videos of Thomas on the horn since he's a little shy.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Young Musician

Below, for the enjoyment of Elk's Street followers, a brief extract of Henry's latest piano performace.

The start is missing because of technical problems, coupled with Henry's style - up to the piano, sit down, play. None of this getting focussed stuff!

As our American friends say, enjoy!

And in case you liked that, here is a link to another video, this time of a slightly older and more accomplished musician.

We're gonna have a supper,
We'll eat some food that's rare,
And at the head of the table,
We'll place brother Henry's chair.
Invite all the local big dogs,
We'll laugh and talk and eat,
But we'll save the bones for Henry Jones,
'Cause Henry don't eat no meat.

etc etc.