Monday, 27 July 2009

Summer Update

The summer is rapidly passing by and here a brief post on what has been happening in Elk's Street.

Some may remember that Thomas had a birthday recently. Of course, he had to have a birthday party. We had the usual Elk's Street birthday entertainment; spinning the bottle, blindfolded gift search, the fishing game, and pass-the-parcel. Not to mention a celebratory meal with chocolate cake, strawberry juice, popcorn, maize crisps, pasties, and not forgetting the obligatory, healthy vegetables.

The little boys neatly lined up, in order tallest to shortest, to decide turns at the games.

The fishing game.

The fishing game was done by taping large-ish paper clips to small gifts and then making a fishing rod by tying four Geomag magnets to a line attached to a stick. And no peeping allowed!

Fishing has been the theme of the summer as Henry has become a keen fisherman. The largest fish he has caught, so far, has been a 40cm bream. He has also caught quite a few perch, which is a tasty fish.

When Henry has not been fishing, he has been baking. Below some evidence.

The cook with a loaf of bread.

The cook with a tray of 'thick ears' (korvapuusti in Finnish, cinnamon rolls in English).

This summer Elk's Street had a visit from H-M's former colleague, and friend, Lisa. Despite some health problems, Lisa managed to make it over from Ontario, Canada.

Enid, Lisa and H-M.

Lisa looking at home on the M/S El Faro.

Elk's Street has also managed a couple of trips to Päihäniemi to check out the blueberry situation, and to relax on the beach.

Lilli checking how the blueberries are ripening.

Tiina relaxing in the sunshine.

The little boys in Lake Saimaa.

And that's the story so far. Coming up, one of the highlights of the summer - going to a summer cottage to feed the mosquitoes.

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