Saturday, 20 September 2008

Theology and Little People

Actors: Peter and Thomas (7 years)
Place: In the basement
Activities: Peter – hanging the clothes
Thomas – hanging around


Thomas: Daddy, this door?
Peter: Yes?
Thomas: Last night, was it open?
Peter: Uh, yes.
Thomas: So, there must be dwarves in our house.
Peter: Hm, why?
Thomas: I closed it, and in the morning it was open. Henry said he hadn’t been down here. It must have been dwarves.
Peter: You never know what you can find in our cellar.
Thomas: Like the Christmas dwarves.


Thomas: How does Father Christmas know Uncle Stephen?
Peter: Oh, he knows everyone.

A short silence

Thomas: You know, Jesus knows everyone and knows how many hairs they have on their head.
Peter: Hm.
Thomas: I think he must have written down the names on paper for Father Christmas. Then he can bring the presents.
Peter: Hm.

1 comment:

ByeGum said...

Three supernatural beings with magical powers - Father Christmas, Jesus and Uncle Stephen.
No, wait a second...